Code of Professional Ethics

Respect . Responsibility . Confidentiality

As part of our certified training and evolving knowledge-base we support and adhere to the Code of Professional Ethics through all our projects and partner relationships:

  • Primary duty is to employer and success of its mission or vision
  • Perform professional duties in accordance with relevant law and highest moral principles
  • Pay due regard to human rights, equality and diversification and avoid discrimination
  • Respect the rights of the others in performing professional duties and responsibilities
  • Not knowingly become professionally associated with those who do not conform to the highest professional standards
  • Observe the precepts of Truthfulness, Honesty, Integrity, and not knowingly spread false information or defame any individual
  • Be faithful and diligent when performing professional responsibilities and avoid conflict of interests unless fully disclosed
  • Do not claim competence or skills when not possessed
  • Safeguard all confidential information (including private information) that you are privileged to access